The B. F. Young house, Bath, NY. 1850s |
This is the
B. F. Young house at 220 Liberty Street in Bath, NY, a town famous for its fine Italianate homes. The house was designed in the early 1850s by Merwin Austin, whose work we saw in the Brewster house in Rochester, for B. F. Young, an agent for the Pulteney land office. It's another example of Henry Austin's Indian Italianate that was brought to upstate New York by his brother. This house is an interesting example of the style because, unlike the other examples, it is sided with clapboard rather than stucco. The house has all the pieces of the style. There is a chhattri porch with an elaborate scalloped arch, large brackets, candelabra columns of the common variety, and arabesques. The brackets on the main cornice are paired without an entablature, and there are small brackets running between the longer ones. The windows in this house differ from other examples, following a much more traditional style (with a molding surround topped by a cornice) than other Indian Italianates, which often have no window surround. Elaborate wooden balconies are attached to each of the front windows, which seems to be essential to this style. The house has a wooden monitor on the roof. There seem to have been a few changes to the house; originally there was a balustrade atop the porch, and the front doors are a particularly poor replacement. I believe the house is now a double house.
My husband and I just bought this house in August ‘24. Just to clarify it is, and has been for decades, a 6 unit home now.